Saturday 25 November 2017

Exercise 14 - Principles of Design - Repetition and Pattern - Rhythm and Movement

Rhythm on Op Art:

Exercise 14 - Principles of Design - Repetition and Pattern - Rhythm and Movement

Personal Fingerprints:

Exercise 14 - Principles of Design - Repetition and Pattern - Rhythm and Movement


Pattern and Repetition: Is the planned or random repetition of one or more elements, and there are many types of pattern like  rows, grids, half-drop designs ant etc.

Rhythm and Movement: Is concerned with repeating an element to make a work seem active or suggest movement. And the movement is used to guide the viewer eye on the art work.


Saturday 11 November 2017

Exercise 12 - Principles of Design - Proportion


The idea is that the large cheetah is sitting in the the rice fields.
The hidden object is the small house next to the cheetah. 

Exercise 12 - Principles of Design - Proportion

Distorted Proportion:


Exercise 12 - Principles of Design - Proportion

Proportion in Interior Design 

It has too many long lamps.

Exercise 12 - Principles of Design - Proportion


Proportion refers to the relative size of an object comparing it to another object. Also we often think of proportion in terms of size relationships within the human body.